You as leaders have not been given the power to choose who lives or dies to reduce the population of this planet we call earth. God Almighty, the Creator of all is in charge and will decide the end of one little creature or all living life! Instead of killing, find ways to improve the life of animals and humans. Find a way to resolve problems between countries, races, ethnic groups and the different religious groups through common sense diplomacy and conversation! The Ultimate Super Power of The Universe is watching as the killing of innocent people continues. War in this age of refined and terminator weaponry must stop be it for land annexation or economics. Let us join in unity to pray for the leaders of the world not to act based on economics or fear, but act joining together as one to stop the killing and destruction of life and our planet, Earth! Let us pray to God for his interaction to change what is happening to people in this world, to get the attention of those in charge to stop the insanity and get back to using common sense to solve problems between nations, ethnic groups, people and religious organizations. We need the power of millions of people praying to God and asking for his “Divine Help of Interaction for Change”! We need people joining together using “The Power of Numbers' ' praying for this “Change” to happen! Change in the way human beings live and act toward one another and change in the way leaders of countries act toward one another too.
Let us pray for this “Change” to happen.
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